Hiroko Nishimura

AWS Community Hero
Author: AWS for Non-Engineers (Manning), Freelance Finance 101
Technical Instructor: LinkedIn Learning, egghead
Founder: AWS Newbies
M.Ed. in Special Education

I help startups figure out how to convey what to whom. I write about Technology and Personal Finance.Find my Amazon Web Services (AWS) related content here: aws.hiroko.io.

Technical Work

Courses: Introduction to AWS

I teach Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers courses at LinkedIn Learning.I also founded AWS Newbies.

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam

Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers is a 4-part video course that helps you go from "What even is the 'Cloud'?!" to sitting for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam.

For absolute beginners

The courses were created with the absolute "Cloud Newbies" in mind, helping people from non-traditional technical backgrounds begin learning about AWS Cloud jargon-free.

Website: AWS Newbies

Jargon-free resource website that introduced Amazon Web Services (AWS) to complete beginners.📖 Manning Publications: AWS for Non-Engineers
📖 Introductory ebook: Intro to AWS for Newbies

Courses: CSS

I teach introductory and intermediate CSS courses at egghead.Learn how to create modern websites with CSS Grid from scratch with Build Modern Layouts with CSS Grid, or cool CSS tricks at CSS Tips and Tricks on :hover Effects.

Book: Freelance Finance 101

An ebook for freelancers looking to establish financially healthy small businesses.

Technical Writing

I write technical articles and blogs. Past clients have included small startups, online education companies, and recruiting firms.You can check out some of my articles on my blog at hiroko.io.

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